Τρίτη 5 Ιουνίου 2012

Πανευρωπαϊκή κινητοποίηση για την Ελλάδα...

9 Ιούνη πανευρωπαϊκή κινητοποίηση εναντίον του νεοφιλελευθερισμού (We are all Greeks! We are all Europeans!)
Είμαστε όλοι Έλληνες! Είμαστε όλοι Ευρωπαίοι!
Το σύνθημα της καμπάνιας (9 Ιούνη 2012) για κινητοποιήσεις των Ευρωπαίων πολιτών που δεν...
 επιθυμούν την Ευρώπη των τραπεζιτών!

We are all Greeks! We are all Europeans!
for action of the European citizens for Greece and Europe. June, 9th 2012
We want Greece to stay in the Eurozone.

As citizens of Europe active in progressive politics and social movements, we reject the choice to give up on democracy and people's involvement in the decisions concerning them in...
  order to "reassure markets". We express solidarity with ...those who, in Greece as in many other countries, look to the future in anguish and feel helpless in the face of a crisis apparently impossible to overcome. We do feel however that it is possible to go the way of European cohesion and solidarity and, at the same time, find a feasible path out of the crisis, not only for Greece but for the whole EU.
It is an illusion to think that “Grexit” would save the euro and the EU – the same goes for the draconian and indiscriminate cuts to public spending, in which investments, social expenditure and wasteful mismanagement are put on the same level, with devastating effects on the lives of millions of Europeans and on their prospects for the future.
Fear for the future must be replaced by cohesion and transnational democracy. The Greek people are the first victims of bad governance, the corruption of many politicians and economic actors, and the lack of a real European government. But to remedy this dramatic negative spiral the EU must play quite a different part than the one so far played by the Merkozy duo, the IMF and the Commission. The EU must decide whether to sabotage itself and go back to the bad old days of all against all, or to relaunch the project of a federal Union. The first requirement would be a European democratic government accountable to Parliament, endowed with a budget adequate to its ambitions, and thus in a position to emit Eurobonds.
The first and crucial test is what will be done for and with Greece in the run-up to the elections of the 17th June. It is also up to the EU and the member states to strike a positive note, now.
At stake is now the fate of the Memorandum signed by the Greek government, the EU and the IMF. We are certain that simply imposing the Memorandum as it is and within the foreseen deadline is unacceptable and counterproductive.
We call therefore on the European institutions in the first place to:
1. Reopen the discussion on the most socially detrimental parts of the Memorandum itself;
2. Review of the deadlines to implement necessary reforms, which however cannot continue to demolish the social state and at the same time leave the military expenditure or the privileges of the Church untouched, or fail to distribute its costs evenly;
3. Launch a plan of economic and financial aid for Greece now, not for the usual mammoth projects of big infrastructures which are bound to failure, but for a Green New Deal focussed on reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and on the ecological reconversion of Greece, as well as on a tough fight against corruption and an effective use of European funds. No less needed are European guarantees so as to freeze all the armament programmes, and a strong support on the part of the EU to obtain detailed information about Greek deposits in Switzerland and in other countries.
But “saving” Greece is not enough. The whole European project is today at risk, strangled by all-market ideology, the selfishness of national governments, and the illusion that trust can be regained by pulling down the social state and putting up borders again. This prescription, which is being imposed not only on Greece, but also on many other countries in Southern and Eastern Europe, will not work.
In order to resolve the crisis we need to take two parallel actions.
The first is to overcome the repressive logic of the Fiscal Compact and pre-empt it by launching a new range of measures on the initiative of the European Parliament and the European Commission in order to re-orient European resources towards a European plan of socially and ecologically sustainable development – these measures must be financed through the Financial Transaction Tax, the Carbon Tax, and the Project Bonds. The second is to make peace with democracy and organize a campaign in view of the European elections in 2014 for a Constituent Assembly, whose task will be to draft a federal Constitution to be submitted to the European citizens for approval in a pan-European referendum.
We cannot leave the responsibility up to the governments and the European Commission only. The European Parliament must retake the initiative, launch a much-needed public debate around positive proposals of new measures to handle the crisis, and start a new constituent process.
It is time to act. There is no more time to waste.
Europe. May, 31th 2012
Join the call for action of the European citizens for Greece and Europe on June, 9th 2012
Organize an event (flash mob, sit-it, etc.) in your city.
Email to: genova@mfe.it, mob.: +39.347.0359693


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